It is calculated based on the volume of wood production -200 cubic meters per hectare approximately- and a conservative estimate of the increase in the price of wood at 5% yearly, which is much lower than the average of the last 40 years. Projections of expenses are also taken into account.

The shareholders own the land, the forest plantations until its harvest and the revenue from the indefinitely successive cut downs. They are owners of the company in proportion to the number of shares acquired. The company owns the plantation and all the necessary resources to keep its maintenance. Meaning that, the shareholder owns in a proportional way, the plantation (soil and trees), as well the company resources. The investor is a permanent owner without a time limit, as long as he keeps his shares, of course.

14% yearly until the plantation’s cut down

Profits are gained from the moment shares are bought. It is important to distinguish the profit components. Profitability is obtained by the price variation of the shares over time; and by the perception of dividends. Essentially, dividends are distributed when the plantation cut down occurs, in the year 20 from the sowing. Furthermore, while the trees are growing over time, its wood price rises, meaning share prices will rise as well. This generates an increase in the value of the investor’s investment.

The recommended minimum is $2600, equivalent to 1000 shares for local investors, and $6000 or its equivalent to 2300 shares for foreign investors, at the time of the public offering.

The minimum investment amount is technically possible with $ 2.60, which is the value of one share. The maximum amount of investment desired by the promoters is 10% of the company; However, being a publicly traded company, we can not prevent the purchase of a larger amount. The promoters participate in approximately 25% of the share capital, thus protecting a hostile participation to the detriment of the small investors.

You have to be able to present an identity card for Ecuadorians and for foreigners a passport. Additionally, it is the responsibility of whoever receives the value of the investment, Bank or Stock Exchange, to establish that the funds they receive have a lawful origin.
It is not necessary to come to Ecuador to make an investment; you only have to fill out an account opening form and mandate in a Securities House (we recommend Albion Casa de Valores), and instruct the purchase of the quantity of shares wanted. Undoubtedly, the Stock Exchange will request a transfer of funds and will operate with liquid funds at its disposal. For your safety, you can consult via email to the Stock Exchange of Guayaquil about Albion Casa de Valores.
The opening of your investment account can be done with a minimum amount of $ 2,400. It is important to note that in Ecuador there are regulations for the prevention of money laundering, which is why the information requested by the Securities House will be essential to make an investment. This protects your investment and that of other shareholders.

The only assets foreseen in each one of the companies correspond to the plantation and the investments (liquid assets mentioned above). There will also be a small investment corresponding to 1% participation in a sawmill, because all the forestry companies that we promote and operate have a stake in this sawmill, which corresponds to an integration process designed in the long term, for the benefit of the shareholders.

The companies do not expect to have liabilities of any kind.

The shareholders democratically choose the managing team during theShareholders’ Meeting established for that purpose.


At the moment of making the public offering of shares, the Promoters will have provided the necessary resources so that the plantations can be properly maintained.

The exploitation will be done by the company itself, therefore all the revenues correspond to the shareholders of the company as such. There is a vision to seek a process of vertical integration forward (add value), that is, to achieve the processing of wood from its natural state; however, the 14% return on IRR is calculated without considering that scenario. We are confident that the vertical integration scenario will add better returns to investors.

The land is, and will continue to be a property of the company, thus, property of the shareholders in proportion of their participation.since the land is fully owned by the company, the successive cuts of the plantations are owned by the company and therefore by its shareholders.

There are several types of planting in terms of density, depending on the type of terrain, the costs of management and certain assumptions used by those who develop teak plantations. In our case, we have considered as optimal density the sowing of 833 trees per hectare, under the 4 x 3 modality.

Teak is immune and very resistant to fire from its fourth year of sowing. If a fire occurs after the fourth year, teak would not suffer. If the fire is prior to that period, the most likely scenario is the resuscitation work of the plantation, consisting of cutting to a level of 15 centimeters from the ground and subsequent application of water. Because the plant has the root system underground, it is most likely that it will not be affected, so in the following winter the parts affected by the fire will be restored.

In the unlikely event that a fire destroys the plantation, we will claim the loss to the insurance company and make a reseeding on the following season.

It is important to know that since the beginning of SIEMBRA, we have never had to claim an insurance due to an accident.

In Ecuador there is no danger of hurricanes. Being located in an area that may be affected by El Niño phenomenon, heavy and prolonged rains may occur; However, due to the topography of the land where the plantations are developed, there is no risk of flooding. The lands have very good natural drainages.

Teak is very resistant to pests, and in Ecuador there are no pest attacks that have affected teak plantations. The mechanical structure of teak wood, makes it very resistant to insects.


Teak is a highly appreciated and requested wood throughout the world for the construction of: covers, ornaments and detailed works on boats, fine furniture especially exterior, floors, carvings, cabinetry and work around.

Teak’s wood is rich in natural oils that make it very durable. It is resistant to moisture and drying processes when exposed to weather and a very high resistance to attack by fungi and termites because these natural oils act as a natural insect repellent. It also has a great resistance to fire and decomposition.

The physical characteristics of teak have given it the worldwide reputation of Premium wood. Current production is around 3 million m3 per year, with teak occupying a small position in terms of world production of wood, however it is recognized as a high value timber in the world market.

Creado por Bang ©2018 SIEMBRA | Plantaciones de Teca en Ecuador